Finding the poetry in Canadian poet Rupi Kaur’s life…

Recently, Harper’s Bazaar India threw me a challenge. They asked me if I could interview a young poetic phenomenon with Indian roots, whose raw and truthful poetry has taken the world by storm. An interview? That’s easy. Where’s the challenge in that, I wondered. Can you write it in blank verse like she does, they came to the point. After years, here’s something truly new and exciting and I really want to do it, I thought.

Speaking to Rupi Kaur, author of her moving anthology called Milk & Honey was inspiring. And I wrote out the story of her life on my smartphone as I transited between a wildlife sanctuary and bustling Bombay, between check-in counters and departure gates, on board and while disembarking… the words just flowing freely, the connections being made almost automatically. Here’s the end result of this charming experiment, which, I’m happy to say, literally took flight!





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